Dental implants can be used to hold dentures securely in place, making them much more comfortable to wear.
Some people struggle wearing dentures, they find the denture can become loose and move about, causing difficulty in eating and speaking. If this sounds familiar, dental implants can be placed in order to secure your denture into position, the number of implants needed will depend on your individual circumstances.
For a cost-effective way of replacing many missing teeth, dentures can be held securely in place with dental implants.
Providing a great improvement from traditional removable dentures they are secure and comfortable therefore you need not suffer anymore embarrassing moments caused by loose dentures!
With conventional dentures, the bone that previously surrounded the tooth root begins to deteriorate. An implant supported bridge or denture helps preserve your jawbone as the implant replaces some of the tooth root and integrates with your jawbone helping to keep the bone healthy and intact.
The number of implants needed will vary, for example a lower denture may only need two conventional implants, giving you a a completely life-changing transformation enabling you to chew foods and smile with renewed confidence. This treatment requires minimal surgery and, in many cases your current denture can be attached to the dental implants immediately.